Intent Statement
We strongly believe that the best way to prepare our pupils for the future is to ensure that we provide a stable Careers Programme from Key Stage 3 through to Key Stage 4. The Careers programme must provide our pupils with access to an outstanding educational experience that is tailored to individual needs.
We are working to fulfil the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. In order to meet the Benchmarks, we pride ourselves on building a Careers Programme that is designed to meet the individual needs of students at our school. It is differentiated and personalised to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of learning and development. The programme promotes equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion.
Careers Team
Pupils, parents, carers, teachers and employers can access information linked to the careers programme by contacting a member of the careers team. Please see below the contact details:
Personal Development Lead – Miss Hitchen (
Designated Careers Lead – Mr Allman (
Careers Advisor – Ann Beever (Positive Steps)
The above aims are delivered through a variety of methods, including but not limited to:
- Curriculum delivery
- Visits to colleges, universities, and training providers
- Visiting speakers
- Assemblies
- Opportunities within the curriculum for enterprise
- Work experience
- Drop-in opportunities both with school-based staff and external advisers
- Non biased, bespoke and relevant 1:1 Career Guidance
- Pupil Voice
- Parent Voice
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Term 1A |
• Core values and motivation |
• Preparation for Post 16 |
Term 1B |
• Communication skills |
Term 2A |
Term 2B |
• Aspirations • National Careers Week Assembly |
• Employability Skills |
• Careers interviews (Interviews continue in to Term 3B) |
• GM HIGHER - Be College Ready |
Term 3B |
Note: additional trips, visits and Careers events are added to the whole school offer and are calendared throughout the year. Some of the college visits include trips to: Xavierian College, Ashton Sixth Form, Tameside and Clarendon College, Manchester College.
Careers in Curriculum Subjects
View HereImpact
Our Careers Programme will be reviewed annually through discussions with teaching staff, students, parents, and our local Governing Body.
We will measure our impact annually through:
- The Careers Lead is responsible for ensuring that all year 11 pupils have completed application forms and are then responsible for tracking this through to interview and offer of a place.
- Pupils will have had an interview with a Level 6 Careers Advisor, providing independent careers advice and an action plan on next steps.
- Pupils will make an informed decision about Post 16 options and destinations.
- Pupils aim to have an in-depth knowledge of opportunities available in Industry within their local and surrounding area(s).
- Comparative National data of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks through Compass Plus.
- Pupils will have completed familiarisation visits to their identified Post 16 provider and have developed links with key staff that will support them when they begin.
- Pupils will have developed independence skills in completing applications and having interviews, preparing them for further applications and interviews.
- Pupils will have an in depth understanding and knowledge of all Post 16 providers and their offer, allowing them to be able to identify their own career path.
- Pupils will have had workplace encounters; they will understand what it is like to work in a variety of settings and expectations.
- Pupils, Parents/Carers and our School staff will have worked collaboratively to ensure collective approach to supporting our pupils’ journey through to Post 16 providers.
- Pupils will regularly provide feedback through student voice opportunities.
- Careers Lead is responsible for the management of data to ensure NEET figures are reduced and provide support working with external agencies/ FE Providers.
- Employer and Visiting partners feedback
- Work experience/placement evaluations
Labour Market Information
To consider labour market information when career planning is very useful. It provides data for job availability in different sectors.
Our school plays and important role in developing young people, however, as a parent/carer, you are best placed to support your child to recognise the potential skills that will contribute to their wider learning and aspirations. Hobbies, interests, community connections and activities at home can all help to build essential skills your child needs now and for their future success.
Cick here for Labour Market information by sector:
Work Experience
The school aims to instil a work-related curriculum that connects school and its pupils to the world of work, enabling pupils to make well informed choices about their futures.
We aim to offer students high quality career support and guidance, of which employer engagement and work experience opportunities are vital. Alongside our whole school curriculum offer, the opportunity to engage in work experience, links with higher education providers, further education Institutions, and employer engagement activities we offer a multitude of ways in providing advice and guidance to best support our pupils. As well as advice and guidance being provided through our curriculum offer and liaison with external providers, we also provide independent and impartial advice and guidance through the recruitment of an onsite Careers Advisor. By understanding possible career paths and educational routes, we believe students are motivated to do well.
Work Experience Protocol
- Prior to going out on work experience, A letter is sent out to all parents introducing the process.
- There will be an assembly outlining expectations and requirements for work experience.
- At the assembly pupils are given a self-placement form where consent is required for students to participate in Work Experience. They will be asked to hand it back to their form tutor or the work experience coordinator, along with a copy of the employer liability insurance students will obtain from their placement.
- Once the self-placement form is handed in a letter of confirmation is sent out to parents detailing the work experience placement for their child.
- A confirmation letter is sent to the employer thanking them for agreeing to take the student and explaining that a member of staff will be coming out to visit them.
- Before the students go out there will be an assembly to reiterate expectations and to hand out the work experience diary. Students are expected to complete the diary every day whilst on their placement.
- Every student has a visit or a call from a member of staff whilst on their placement.
- The employer is given an evaluation form to complete for the student.
Work Experience Guidance for Parents and Carers
All Saints Work Experience programme is supported by Mploy
Useful documents pertaining to Work Experience from the Health and Safety Executive
Employer – Work Experience
Employer – Law
Young Workers