

At All Saints Catholic College our aim is to create a positive culture of praise, restoration and reward within the school, where pupils feel empowered and are able to successfully manage their own behaviour. We want to celebrate the successes of all of our pupils inside and outside of the classroom helping all pupils to achieve their full potential.

Rewards in the school are centred around our school values: Faith, Excellence, Resilience, Community and Respect. Teachers that see these values displayed consistently within the school will reward pupils by giving achievement points. Examples of behaviours for each value can be found below:

All Saints Way Value Rewards

Pupils are awarded with a range of rewards within each year group, these include:

  • Star of the Lesson Certificate
  • Displays of work
  • Announcements in assemblies
  • Reward Stickers
  • Use of Achievement Points (SIMS)
  • Letters sent home from subject teachers
  • Certificates awarded at Achievement Assemblies – achievement points/attendance/punctuality
  • Certificates at Prize Evening
  • Reward trips
  • End of term Achievement Assemblies

We have launched our new Celebration of Conduct reward where students will be rewarded each half term for their achievements. Students will be awarded bronze badges when they achieve 75 achievement points, silver badges for 125 achievement points and gold for 175 achievement points. We aim for all pupils to achieve their bronze badges by the end of the school year. So far 175 of our pupils have been invited to celebrate their achievements and have received their bronze and silver badges.

Celebration of Conduct Rewards