ASAPs - All Saints Achievement Points
At All Saints Catholic College our aim is to create a positive culture of praise, restoration and reward within the school, where pupils feel empowered and can successfully manage their own behaviour. We want to celebrate the successes of all pupils (inside and outside of the classroom) helping all pupils to achieve their full potential.
Rewards in the school are centred around our school values: Faith, Family, Resilience, Community, Respect and Excellence. Teachers that see these values displayed consistently within the school will reward pupils by giving All Saints Achievement Points (ASAPs). Each ASAP is worth 1 point and examples of behaviours for each value can be found below:

Pupils are also awarded 3 ASAPs per lesson for following the 4 basic school rules:

ASAPs are electronically recorded on Class Charts and are shared with parents, carers, staff and pupils. They can then be “spent” in the Rewards shop on Class Charts to purchase items such as stationary, sporting equipment or vouchers.
ASAPs are also celebrated each term during the rewards assembly with the bronze, silver and gold badges. Rewards assemblies are also an opportunity to recognise pupils who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the values of the school and their education with the headteacher’s award, head of year award and subject awards. These are given to the pupils.
Types of Rewards
- Rewards assemblies - subject & attendance badges, certificates and suitable prizes
- Meeting with the Head teacher and Head of Year
- Awards evenings
- Queue jump pass for break/lunch
- Shout-outs on our website and social media pages
- Positive Class Charts messages/text messages
- Positive phone calls home from class teachers
- Positive post cards home
- Rewards shop to spend ASAPs
- Periodic breakfast rewards
- Departmental Pupil of the Week/Month
- Recognition in assemblies
- School/Press photographs
- Special privileges/rewards
- Annual Prizes/trophies
- Subject certificates/badges
- School certificates
- Reward trips/events
Students will be awarded Bronze badges when they achieve 1000 ASAPs, Silver badges for 2000 ASAPs, Gold for 3000 ASAPs and Platinum for 4000 ASAPs. We aim for all pupils to achieve at least one of the badges by the end of the school year.