All Saints Catholic College is a Catholic community with a firm foundation in the teachings of Christ. We centre our work around a number of core values: faith, family, community, excellence, resilience and respect. These are at the very heart of our purpose and our day-to-day work.
All Saints Catholic College pride ourselves on our inclusivity and will make provision for pupils with needs across all areas of SEND:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health
- Sensory and /or physical
At All Saints Catholic College, we are committed to ensuring that all students’ individual learning needs are catered for, and we offer a range of SEN support. Our aim is to ensure that all students can achieve their goals and reach their full potential by being able to access their curriculum learning and all aspects of school life. We are keen to ensure all our learners aspire for a bright future.
We have a dedicated team of professionals including two SENCOs, Assistant SENCO and teaching assistants (TAs) who are passionate about supporting our SEN students to access the curriculum throughout the school day.
All Saints Catholic College strive to provide support to all pupils, adapting learning to ensure that they do not fall behind and make adequate progress. Where a student with SEND is finding it difficult to access the curriculum, we will ensure that we provide tailored provision to meet identified need. This could take many forms such as additional in class support, curriculum booster sessions, SEMH interventions, access to designated spaces in school, additional pastoral care and keyworker support.
To best support our pupils, we aim to work holistically and collaborate with parents/carers/external agencies to help identify and support pupils with additional needs. We offer bespoke targeted support to secure that all students fulfil their potential.
Our SEND Offer:
- We will consider each pupil’s current skills and levels of attainment based on internal /external assessments.
- We will offer support for pupils who have SEN by working collaboratively with teachers, internal staff and external agencies to assess appropriate intervention strategies.
- Where pupils do not make adequate progress, despite high-quality adaptive teaching, we will assess-plan-do-review with teachers/agencies and parents/carers to ensure that pupils can make progress and barriers are removed.
- Pupils with EHCPs will be provided with a key worker who will ensure continuous communication takes place with home, and required support is identified and provided.
- EHCPs will be reviewed annually in collaboration with the Local Authority SEND Team.
- Key information relating to your child on the SEND register informs a pupil passport which is available for all staff to ensure appropriate supports are in place.
- Specific interventions and bespoke programmes are carefully designed and closely monitored to meet the individual needs of each pupil ensuring that there are no barriers to success.
- The SEND department offers a provision for break and lunchtime club, where identified pupils can meet, study and socialise.
- At key stage 3, a range of different strategies are used across the curriculum to provide additional support to develop literacy skills such as phonics, the teaching of reciprocal reading strategies, Dynamo Maths. For pupils with specific learning difficulties regarding literacy and numeracy, interventions are devised which work on the pupil’s specific areas of difficulty and if necessary, develop the use of assistive technology to help develop independence.
- A range of alternate curriculum opportunities are offered to pupils at key stage 4 which include Functional Skills and tailored PHSE.
- We have an excellent link with various local colleges and support pupils with finding appropriate post-16 placements.
- Transition work happens throughout year 11 to ensure that pupils feel as prepared for life at college as possible.
- Social and Emotional interventions are offered to pupils who require extra support in building self-esteem, confidence, self-regulation and resilience.
- Parents Evening once a year.
How do we assess the level of need of our pupils?
When a pupil transitions into our setting we explore all data and information about them before they start. We work in close partnership with Primary Schools and the Local Authority as well as utilising the below sources:
- Primary School Transition- We meet with SENCO's from the primary schools to discuss any SEND support or EHCP pupils and the adjustments required for them to make a successful transition.
- Key Stage 2 SATS results are considered but all pupils will complete Year 7 CATs tests.
- We work in partnership with other professionals e.g. Educational Psychologists, Social Workers, SALT to ensure any specialised support is put in place.
- Parental information is of course very important to us. We run parent coffee mornings in the summer term so that SEND parents can meet us ahead of their child starting and we maintain regular communication with them throughout the school year.
Policies and Procedures
Our SEND and Accessibility policies, along with our SEND Information Report can be found in the Policies and Procedures section of our website.
Tameside Local Offer - SEND The Equalities Act
As part of the SEND reforms following the Childrens and Families Act 2014, parents may like to see what is available in Tameside through the local offer.
Tameside Local Offer - SEND The Equalities ActContact Us
Please do not hesitate to contact a member of the SEND team to discuss any concerns regarding specialist provision for your child.
Name | Role | Telephone | |
Ms Hitchen | SENDCo Cognition and Learning | | 0161 338 2120 |
Ms Platt | SENDCo EHCP / SEMH Lead | | 0161 338 2120 |
Mr Friel | Assistant SENDCo | | 0161 338 2120 |