Young Carers
At All Saints Catholic College, we understand that schools play a vital role in supporting young carers and reducing barriers to their educational, attainment and their wellbeing.

What is a Young Carer?
We recognise young carers as children and young people under the age of 18, who provide care to another family member.
Within our support for young carers, we consider what tasks they are doing, as well as the impact upon their emotional, physical and social wellbeing. We are aware that the demands of this caring role can sometimes affect a student’s progress.

Ms Moseley has been working with the local authority to support our Young Carers. As a school we are proud to announce that we have received our bronze and silver award for young carers.

Ms Moseley has worked with our pupils to rebrand and restructure the support Young Carers receive within the school which has had a huge positive impact.
Our Young Carer Co-Ordinator Ms Keogh has been organising and supporting events for Young Carers throughout the school year and has lots of ideas for the coming years.
We are extremely thrilled to have received this award because it is recognition for our pupils that are young carers; they dedicate their time and care to members of their family who need their support.
Please read about our Young Carers offer in the Tameside Reporter
As a school we Offer:
- Half termly meetings and regular check-ins
- A chance to get to know other young carers in similar situations
- Yearly trips
- Links to other organisations in and around Tameside
- Weekly drop in sessions
Key Contacts
Our Young Carer Co-Ordinators are Mrs Moseley and Mrs Mike who are also part of the Safeguarding Team.
If you have any questions or want more information, please email us:
Alternatively, you can phone the main school number: 0161 338 2120