
Homework is an important part of College life at All Saints Catholic College and all pupils are expected to do it regularly.

Our Mission Statement emphasises our aim to ensure that all pupils fulfil their ambitions and exceed their expectations. The provision of regular, rich, relevant homework tasks, appropriate to their needs and to the demands of the curriculum is considered to be an essential part of the entitlement of all our pupils. The prime purposes of homework must be to enhance the learning opportunities for each pupil, to support their academic progress, to enrich the teaching and learning process, and to foster the development of personal and individual study skills.

  • All homework is now set on Satchel One and Class Charts, this enables parents, teachers and pupils to monitor and track homework assignments on an easy to use online system.
  • Pupils and parents will be given individual login information and guidance in September.

If problems arise then we would ask you to contact your child’s Form Tutor or Progress Leader (Head of Year) through the school office or on School Comms.


The College subscribes to a number of eLearning websites to support our pupils. Sometimes homework is set requiring pupils to use these online sites.

If it is not possible for pupils to use them at home, we can make arrangements for access to ICT suites in College outside task hours so no-one is at a disadvantage.